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#PROCESS OF SENSITIVE DATA_ The main objective of the course is to provide basic legal instruments to the expert of information technology security who will need, in relation to the performance of his profession, to treat sensitive data. The course will focus on the processing of sensitive data in its wider variations. During the lectures, students will be made available of lecture notes bearing the main applicable regulations, draft of agreements releted to critical services and corporate policies regarding the use of IT tools.

#DATAGOV_ The project dedicated to european data governance, aims to provide students, researchers and other target groups with the required knowledge and skills to become European Data Governance professionals. It delivers a tailor-made educational Course and other events on specific issues related to EU Data Governance, Cybersecurity and European citizen’s fundamental rights in the IT society, relevant to participants in their future professional life. Besides, it aims to multiply this knowledge to many other target groups (Universities, ICT companies, NGOs, researchers and online citizens) and to dialogue with policy-makers.

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